Interested in some statistics of a typical ExScite week? click here

Statistical story of a typical ExScite week (*)

% of total

Total number of ExScite registered members 918 100% (As of Apr 1, 2001)
Number of unique visitors at ExScite in one week 474 52% of all members
Number of visit sessions in one week 746
Average visits per day 106
Visitor who view 2 or more pages per visit 415 45% of all members
Most hits come from AOL 182 24% of visitors
Average visitor session length 5 minutes
Most active visit day of the week Monday
Most visits are in the afternoon between: 17:00-18:00

(Boston time)

(*) The information in the table covers a typical week’s statistics.

The week described in here is March 3-9, 2001.

Data was generated by WebTrends web monitoring.